Committed to caring 
Linie Design is committed to ensuring the maintenance and improvement of decent ethical, social and environmental standards, using transparency and professional integrity throughout the supply chain. Social accountability and compliance with ethics and international regulations is an integral part of our company's code of conduct.
Fair worker treatment 
Linie Design recognises the responsibility we have to our employees, their families and the communities in which we operate, and our compliance policies and practices are designed to uphold these standards. 
The health, welfare and safety of our employees is of the utmost importance to us, not just as valued and skilled workers, but also on a humanistic level. All humans have the right to decent living conditions, safe working conditions and minimum pay, which is why we are committed to running our business in a way that respects and supports human rights. 
Therefore, we only work with suppliers and partners who can commit to the required ethical manufacturing practices, and we have implemented mandatory and voluntary control and compliance monitoring programmes that ensure our code of conduct meets and exceeds global regulatory requirements. Read on below to see which initiatives and certifications we adopt to ensure these are met.
Certifications provide certainty 
The Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) is an industry platform that monitors and evaluates workplaces and supply chain standards to ensure suppliers treat employees fairly, ethically and legally. Amfori BSCI has developed 11 principles that need following to ensure proper working conditions, including fair and legal contracts, satisfactory working hours and renumeration, safe and healthy working conditions, and special protection for younger employees. As a minimum, all our suppliers and manufacturers are BSCI audit, with many opting to achieve the higher certification of SA8000 instead. 
The Business Environmental Performance Initiative (BEPI) is a business-driven service provided by amfori for retailers, importers and brands committed to improving environmental performance in supplying factories and farms worldwide. BEPI provides a practical framework that can support all product sectors in all countries to reduce their environmental impact, business risks and costs through improved environmental practices.
SA8000 – securing standards 
The Social Accountability-8000 (SA8000) is the leading social accountability certification standard for factories and organisations across the globe. It helps companies to improve visibility over their production and processes – and to drive improvements across their supply chains wherever possible. Certified suppliers have proved their commitment to treating their employees ethically and complying with global standards. 
You can read more about Linie Design’s initiatives to create and improve working conditions for our employees and their families under Code of Conduct and Care & Fair.